Below is some code written by me and students/collaborators for different projects. Usage is free and at your own risk. Please contact me for any questions, bug reports and suggestions. Some code is also available via my
github profile
Matlab-Utils |
A set of Matlab utilities written for different projects |
Heritability-Calculator |
Matlab library for heritability calculations for general genetic architectures |
ComSeq |
Matlab code for designing and analyzing pooled-sequencing experiments |
Matlab code for reconstructing the composition of bacterial species in a sample |
Matlab code for analyzing Massively Parallel Seqeuncing data for Microbial Communities |
HMP-Entropy |
A Maple routine for computing HMP entropy rate |
Python code for sparse clustering using time-frequency representation |
EmbryoSelection-Calculator |
R code for calclulating the potential gains of embryo selection for complex traits using polygenic scores |
Pareto |
Python/R code for calclulating the distribution of Pareto optimal sets in random vectors |